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Jardins Sauvages Covid Update

While our Jean Talon Market stall remains closed for April, we now have an online boutique to make placing orders for pick-up or delivery possible.

Jardins Sauvages Online Store  You can also call the restaurant to place an order and pay by credit card or e-transfer.

For now, to keep activity risks to a minimum, it’s once a week : you place your orders  before Wednesday night for pick-up/delivery on Friday.  The Pick-up schedule will be Friday 10-13h at Jean Talon Market;  Delivery 13h- ; while in St-Roch de l’Achigan Pick-up  and Delivery 15-18h

We plan on opening the market stall in May along with the first spring greens, fiddleheads and morels!! (thankfully, Mother Nature and Spring follow their natural course) - if with reduced hours to start.. 

The country restaurant is closed until further notice, and spring workshops on hold as well.

Stay tuned to our website or even better, follow us on Facebook for the latest news! https://www.facebook.com/JardinsSauvages17

Cheers , Santé

Take care and hope to see you soon on the other side,

Nancy H. and François B.


Posted on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 04:02PM by Registered CommenterNancy Hinton in , , , , | CommentsPost a Comment

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