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Mushroom Maple Popcorn

We serve this at the restaurant during our mushroom festival and so over the years, it has become a thing.. Full on umami, with mix of salty and slightly maple sweet, it’s hard to stop eating.

On offer at our Jean Talon Market stall Thursday March 23rd, 5à8 during the Market Maple event, and for our own Maple event in April (when the sap will actually be running)..

Or if you want to make it yourself, easy peasy; see recipe below.. When was the last time you made popcorn stove-top? It’s the best and really no trouble at all.



Mushroom Maple Popcorn

Chef Nancy Hinton, Les Jardins Sauvages


12 portions (6L)       

1 c (200g)                              organic popcorn  

2 Tbsp (30ml)                        corn oil or grapeseed oil (or other neutral cooking oil)

Topping :

1/4lb (120g)                           butter

1/4c(60ml)                             maple syrup

2 Tbsp (30ml)                        tamari (or soya sauce)

1 Tbsp (15ml)                        JS wild mushroom oil

1 tsp (5ml)                              JS wild mushroom salt (or pinch of sea salt)


Heat oil in a big heavy bottom pot that you have a tight fitting cover for. Add popcorn and stir to coat kernels evenly. Put the lid on and turn the heat to high.

Without removing the cover, shake the pot regularly. Once the corn starts to pop, you will have 2-3 minutes of more regularly shaking the pot so that the popped kernels don’t burn and the un-popped kernels fall to the bottom to pop.

When the popping stops, remove from heat and wait a minute or two.

Meanwhile or beforehand, prepare the topping by combining the ingredients in a little pot, bring to a boil and turn off.

Empty the popcorn into a big bowl. Add topping and mix well. Start with a tablespoon per cup and adjust to taste. Add extra salt to taste if necessary. **It’s best to add the topping at the last minute before serving or make and keep warm.

You can also dry toast it in a low oven (around 200F) for 30min to make it crunchy and so it holds well (say prep it in the afternoon for a dinner party).


Popcorn aux champignons sauvages et à l’érable

Chef Nancy Hinton, Les Jardins Sauvages

12 portions (6L)                

1 t (200g)                               popcorn bio

2 c.a.s. (30ml)                       huile de maїs ou huile de pépin de raisin (ou autre huile de cuisson neutre)

Garniture :

1/4lb (120g)                           beurre

1/4t (60ml)                             sirop d’érable

2 c.a.s. (30ml)                       tamari (ou soya)

1 c.a.s (15ml)                        huile de champignons JS

1 c.a.c. (5ml)                          sel de champignons JS (ou pincé sel de mer)


Mettre l’huile de maïs/pépin de raisin dans un gros chaudron de 8L pour lequel vous avez un couvercle. Ajouter le popcorn, mélanger bien, mettez le couvercle et allumer le feu au max.

Brasser le chaudron sans enlever le couvercle régulièrement pendant quelques minutes. Quand le maïs commence à éclater, vous en avez pour 2-3 minutes à brasser le chaudron, toujours en gardant le couvercle étanche.

Quand vous n’entendez plus d’éclatements, arrêtez le feu et attendez quelques minutes.

Avant ou pendant ce temps, préparer la garniture en mélangeant tout dans un petit chaudron; amener à l’ébullition et arrêter le feu.

Videz le chaudron de popcorn dans un gros bol. Ajouter la garniture par-dessus et mixer. Allez y au gout (2 c.a.s.+ par portion de 2t ) ou 15-20ml par tasse.

Ajouter sel aux champignons de plus au gout.

**C’est mieux de mettre la garniture à la dernière minute ou garder le popcorn chaud. Ou si on veut le préparer à l'avance, on peut le passer au four pour 30min à 200F pour qu'il reste craquant.



Posted on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 02:50PM by Registered CommenterNancy Hinton in , , , , | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

HI Nancy,
Hope all is great. Where do you get the JR wild mushroom sauce?

Thanks and happy spring,
April 6, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterangi bloom
JS (Jardins Sauvages) products such as wild mushroom oil and salt are available at our Marché Jean Talon market stall, open year round.
You could use a smaller amount of truffle oil or a nut oil for a different flavour.
April 7, 2017 | Registered CommenterNancy Hinton

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