Miscellaneous articles
Amber fields of Bland
New York Times article (Jan. 2007): Dan Barber speaks out on the US food system.
Live bacteria - the next health craze?
Why roots matter more
A New York Times article (Nov 2006) on the movement towards eating locally and sustainably.
Molecular Gastronomy Cheat sheet
What's been going on in Molecular Gastronomy in a nutshell, (Jan, 2007).
Gourmet on sustainability
An article from Gourmet Magazine (Feb. 2007)Doing Good While Eating GoodThe why and how of cooking sustainably -
Grass-fed basics
Rediscovering grass-fed beef. Two articles (2006) explaining the benefits, the obstacles, the future..
The Truth about Saturated Fat
From: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD (NewTrends Publishing 2000, www.newtrendspublishing.com 877-707-1776)
Cultivating truffles
Coveted, French, and Now in Tenessee
By MOLLY O’NEILL, Published: February 28, 2007
Unhappy meals, by Michael Pollan
Essential Michael Pollan.
Our decrepit food factories, by Michael Pollan
Another great article by Michael Pollan on the consequences of our unsustainable food system, with a look at antibiotic restistant bacteria and sick bees in particular. (December 2007).
Yes, MSG the secret behind the savor
A New York Times article on MSG, how much we love it but don't know or want to admit it.. Setting some of the facts straight. (March 2008)
Inside the raw milk underground
From Harpers Magazine (April 2008) on the fight for the right to produce un-pasteurized milk, some dairy farmers and artisans caught up in the struggle, and why.
I'm a Natural Born Killer
By Lorette C. Luzajik at Gremolata (Dec 2008), On Vegetariansim, the myths, and the emerging benefits of a traditional diet.
Pesticide Guide
From Foodnews, a list of fruits and vegetables from worst to best when it comes to pesticide load - to help you decide when it is most important to buy organic..
The Case for working with your hands
A terrific NYTimes article about the trades and how noble they can be - good for society and for the soul of certain types like us cooks..