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B&B June 2009

Bits and Bites June 2009

Why don't the French cook like they used to?  Of course, they do.  But no thanks to Michelin.



Chefs are interviewed for The Globe and Mail’s series of articles on salt, including yours truly, and funnily, we all pretty much reiterated the same thing - that we wouldn’t want to give up salt, but that there are many other ways to punch up flavour too. Of course, none of this would even be an issue if people stayed clear of processed and packaged foods and cooked real food.




Normand Laprise of Toqué is awarded the Order of Quebec (CHEVALIER DE L’ORDRE NATIONAL DU QUÉBEC), for his contribution to Quebec cuisine. http://www.restaurant-toque.com/fr/Nouvelles.php




CSF start-up in Boston – A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program, but for fish, Lucky them! Buying fish straight from local fishermen according to their catch, so fresh as can be, no waste, more money for the fishermen, better for everybody – what a novel concept! I wish my Newfie Grandfather were around to read this. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124421534407589317.html



New farmer’s market on Duluth, including some urban farmers http://communities.canada.com/montrealgazette/blogs/greenlife/archive/2009/06/16/new-farmer-s-market-opens-in-montreal-s-plateau-district.aspx



Highwood Crossing cold-pressed canola oil - Canada’s extra virgin olive oil.. We used this oil when I was at l’Eau à la Bouche years ago, I am a big fan. It’s really unbelievably good. Orphée’s is good too, but not as flavourful. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/organic-cold-pressed-canola-oil-competes-for-the-spotlight-with-gold-standard-olive-oil/article1175917/



Would you like some GMO’s in your coffee? In case you didn’t know Monsanto was all over sugar beets too. http://www.grist.org/article/would-you-like-some-gmos-in-your-coffee/



Wreaking Haddock: How to eat sustainable fish, a video on Grist




Big Food under Fire - Yay. But it will take more than a little Obama mania to pull them down. Thankfully, Mother Nature, more powerful than all, will bring them (and us) to our senses soon enough! http://www.slate.com/id/2219686/pagenum/all/#p2



Chefs’ Memoirs - all now, so «Anthony Bourdain»





Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at 12:55AM by Registered CommenterNancy Hinton in | CommentsPost a Comment

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