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B&B November 2012

Bits & Bites November 2012

Beloved Bubbles - A list to work through over the holiday season, ha..   www.montrealgazette.com/life/2012+bubbly+guidefor+those+special+moments/7621387/story.html

Munchies - Dave McMillan hits a few of his favourite Mtl spots, fun little video, love that Honey Martins is on the agenda http://www.vice.com/en_ca/munchies/munchies-joe-beef

About refrigeration and how it has changed our food http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/47/twilley.php

Cookbook picks for 2012 (Rulman)  http://ruhlman.com/2012/11/cookbook-picks-for-2012/

Foodie activity in Ahuntsic to accompany the fab St-Urbain..

Pastaga Canadian Monday events starting Dec. 3rd with Marc Lépine (Atelier, Ottawa) as guest chef http://willtravelforfood.com/category/montreal-restaurants-events/restaurant-reviews-montreal/

Industrial meat and feedlots bad, we know.. What it does to the workers, communities, the environment, but still people keep buying the shit because it’s cheap.  Which means we will keep reading more dumb articles like this in hopes that they will make the smallest difference.  Eat/Buy less meat all-round, yes!  But a smaller quantity of better meat is another thing entirely. I wish they would all stop equating industrial meat with real meat raised from small producers who take care, mixing the issues.. http://www.newint.org/blog/2012/11/20/factory-farms-are-new-sweatshops/

« La vie ne peut devenir la propriété d’entreprises » Vandana Shiva est physicienne et docteur en philosophie. Pour lutter contre la privatisation des semences agricoles, pour la liberté et la dignité des paysans elle a fondée l’association Navdanya. So crazy that it takes a fight to share seeds and grow vegetables, to control what we eat..  http://kaizen-magazine.com/vandana-shiva/ (in French)

Slow Food - what it’s really about, and how it is and can make a difference.  Inspiring, and empowering whether you’re starting to care about your food and the global system, or you’re a desperate, disillusioned diehard like me. This gives me hope and makes me want to do more, all over again.. Please read. http://www.thehindu.com/arts/magazine/eat-pray-love/article4076820.ece

Interview with Ruch Reichl about her food writing heros..  I always love what she has to say, striking chords without fail, usually learn something new too.. http://www.salon.com/2012/11/19/weve_become_a_food_culture/

Pork this way just does not make sense; major overhaul in order.  I want to support local producers but they are all industrial and care more about big buyers or export, which is why I rarely have pork on my menu.  When I do, it is Gaspor.  Or at least Porc Meilleur, for our cooked products or charcturie.. http://affaires.lapresse.ca/economie/quebec/201211/15/01-4594007-la-production-porcine-est-en-crise.php

Raymond Blanc forced to take liver off his menu..  Apparently, there are overzealous and misguided food inspectors across the pond too!  All to make people more afraid of food, and the wrong food to boot..  I'd rather take my chances with pink 'real' meat from a respectable restaurant than with the ubiquitous sterile, industrial pseudo food the inspectors don't mind that is slowly making everyone sick. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2012/nov/13/raymond-blanc-lambs-liver-food-poisoning

Guy Fieri’s takedown review – what happens when you’re all over the place and opening restaurants - like all it takes is a name, tatoos and some lingo www.nytimes.com/2012/11/14/dining/reviews/restaurant-review-guys-american-kitchen-bar-in-times-square.html

Darren Bergeron takes the Gold Medal plates for Québec, Canada finals in February. http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/food-wine/Eight+Montreal+chefs+battle+Gold+Medal+Plates/7541584/story.html

The Fruit Hunters – in theatres November 23rd newyork.grubstreet.com/2012/11/the-fruit-hunters-trailer-bill-pullman.html

Wine for Mushrooms  It seems like this writer has truffle in mind, but most wild mushrooms have enough character to match these wines, especially if served with meat.  I cook a lot of wild mushrooms however and find that with my style of cooking, a softer red usually works best, ie. not too astringent, medium bodied, with fruit to complement the earthiness..  http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/wine/10-red-wines-that-are-magic-with-mushrooms/article5039832/

Fondue and tabletop communal cooking trending??  Not against the return of fondue (not that it ever left the home in Que), and check out Heston’s recipe – to me it seems spot on, including the pickles as an accompaniment.. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2012/nov/09/double-dip-return-of-the-fondue

Silk soymilk – another food monopoly; consolidation like in the dairy, beef and poultry industries not good for farmers, food quality or the environment..  Nor for anyone except these big companies! http://grist.org/food/smooth-as-silk-how-big-brands-milk-small-farmers-for-all-theyre-worth/

Taste Canada Food Writing Award Winners for 2012


Stuffing, Dressing whatever, we love it, a worthy side dish.  Personally, I’m into the classic thing with bread and celery and sage, can’t help it.  After so many years of doing everything else.. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/07/dining/stuffing-deserves-more-days-on-the-table.html

SAT Food Lab turns one, looking back and ahead..  No doubt, a definite Montreal destination, so fresh and innovative and real, ashamed I haven’t been yet..  I feel for this project in any case, in that I know what its like to put elaborate menus out of a rustic/low budget kitchen with big spirit following a theme in flux..  http://www.endlessbanquet.blogspot.ca/2012/11/babys-turning-one.html?m=1

Le meilleur bio et hommage à Normand Laprise parmi autant depuis son lancement de livre http://www.lapresse.ca/vivre/cuisine/201211/02/01-4589615-normand-laprise-le-grand-artisan.php

Sugar everywhere, beware.  Added sugar is big business, no wonder the ‘innocuous’ hidden villain took over while everyone was worried about fat..  But really, like with everything, if you eat and cook real food, you don’t need to worry about adding a little sugar, or even better, honey or maple syrup here and there.. http://www.foodpolitics.com/2012/11/mother-jones-how-the-industry-minimized-and-minimizes-the-health-effects-of-sugars/



Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 02:43PM by Registered CommenterNancy Hinton in | CommentsPost a Comment

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