B&B September 2013
The Tipping System in need of change -there is no doubt. It does not make sense on so many levels, on either end - be it for the consumer (who is confused about how much to tip and is allowed to be cheap, justified or not), the waitstaff who depend on it for a living wage.. And even less so for underpaid cooks and employers honestly operating on slimmer profit margins, who would like to see the money distributed properly given the business model, team and work behind. Everyone on staff should be paid a salary based on experience and competence, included in the ticket price (like in any other business!). And tips only a bonus, divided among everyone (with ranking.) http://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/09/04/dining/leaving-a-tip-a-custom-in-need-of-changing.html
An ode to cooking (and home-ec classes!) Fun read.. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/04/cooking-is-freedom/
The Critic’s life (at the New York Times) http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/09/03/dining/2013-dining-critics-videos.html?ref=dining&smid=tw-nytdining&_r=1&
A Farmer who broke the mould.. Who followed the industrial trend but ultimately knew that ‘farming in a bag’ was not the best way, so fought for logic and sustainability, tending the land as opposed to dominating, pioneering a movement along the way. I hope his legacy continues. An Important read.. It’s because of people like him that things change, and there aren’t enough farmers like him and consumers encouraging them. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/03/a-practical-farmer-who-showed-the-way/
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