Entries in terroir (1)

B&B April 2013

The Main  Adam Gollner points out his favourite spots along/near Montreal’s iconic strip, St-Laurent  http://www.bonappetit.com/blogsandforums/blogs/badaily/2013/04/montreal-boulevard-saint-laurent.html

Lesley Chesterman, the Montreal Gazette's restaurant critic shows her face Makes total sense in this era, as opposed to pretending.. And good for her for embracing the other side and taking a French job! Hopefully her loyal readers will follow and take more of an interest too! http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/food-wine/Lesley+Chesterman+unmasked+Fine+Dining+critic+anonymous/8262095/story.html

How Processed foods are wrecking taste buds .. I’ve observed the phenomenon and thought about this a lot– how people are so used to processed foods, so much salt/sugar/fat and concentrated flavours and extracts that real food can seem boring. A real berry can be disappointing if you’re used to fake tasting juice and muffins; I often feel like I should make my desserts sweeter than I would like because people are used to commercial sweets and chocolate bars.. http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/facts/are-processed-foods-killing-our-taste-buds.htm

Michael Pollan on cooking.. Shifting his focus from the food system and agriculture, his message now is to cook.  He says it so well, always so smart and straight up and positive, I love him. If only more people would listen! http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/17/pollan-cooks/?smid=tw-bittman&seid=auto

James McGuire on the baguette – always instructive, and a reminder about good bread, not to be taken for granted..  http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/fashion-beauty/Montreal+baker+James+MacGuire+anatomy+baguette/8229257/story.html

Wild turkey experiment in Ontario positive  http://www.theobserver.ca/2013/04/11/wild-turkeys-successfully-reintroduced-in-ontario

 Montreal Food Trucks a go

English http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/story/2013/04/09/montreal-food-truck-pilot-project.html

French http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/regional/montreal/201304/09/01-4639133-montreal-la-bouffe-de-rue-aura-pignon-sur-rue.php

Terroir TO – the Cdn foodie event of the year, a synopsis http://www.torontolife.com/daily-dish/food-events/2013/04/09/terroir-2013-recap/

Mosanto an overview of badness - Even if you already hate them, you should hate them even more http://gmo-awareness.com/2011/05/12/monsanto-dirty-dozen/

About Russ Kremer, ‘The Pope of Pork’ and raising pigs the proper way  All Barry Estabrook’s articles are worth reading.  http://www.onearth.org/article/meet-the-farmer-selling-chipotle-antibiotic-free-pork

Where to Eat in NYC right now Things change fast, neat to check in once and a while for what it’s worth.. http://ny.eater.com/archives/2013/04/the_manhattan_heatmap_where_to_eat_right_now_1.php

Montreal Restaurants open on Sunday and/or Monday A newly discovered gem http://willtravelforfood.com/2012/04/09/restaurants-montreal-open-sunday-monday-nights/

Seaweeds, the benefits http://www.care2.com/greenliving/5-seaweeds-that-enrich-your-diet.html


Mtl Street food is coming, But..  It was looking good, but now it seems that beurocracy is taking over. Food trucks that can’t move? Why will it take until 2005 to figure it out? www.lapresse.ca/actualites/regional/montreal/201303/31/01-4636370-oui-a-la-bouffe-de-rue-a-montreal-mais.ph

A dietitian examines the Paleo diet blog.fooducate.com/2013/03/26/did-cavemen-have-it-right-my-take-on-the-paleo-diet/  This pretty much sums it up for me.