Entries in Canadian food (2)
B&B 2018
Bits and Bites 2018
The 30 Most Influential Restaurants of the last 30 years - Great article! Perspective! https://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/top-restaurants-influential-important-food-best-of-the-best-2803666/
Bread has been with with us longer than thought, predating agriculture (well of course! With the wild stuff..) https://phys.org/news/2018-07-archaeologists-bread-predates-agriculture-years.html
Remembering Ruth Reichl’s Gourmet magazine, much missed.. https://popula.com/2018/07/15/gourmet-rip/
Are Instagram and the latest hottest trends killing the food part of the food scene? I agree with this to a certain degree, even in Montreal.. Although there is a lot of good cooking going on with heart & soul and fresh ingredients, there is also a ton of hype, marketing BS and phoniness – often more show than substance. As long as it sounds and looks ‘cool’, who cares if it’s really organic, artisanal, local, wild or sustainable or whatever the claim or suggestion is.. Or even all that delicious (like lichen or a bad natural wine), or edible without making a mess (like whole heads of cauliflower, lettuce, pig or unshucked seafood in sauce) . Or this stands out in my mind: how about a swish big budget rotisserie chicken restaurant that opens to much fanfare with a fancy Italian oven and designer decor, woohoohoo - but with cheap poor quality industrial chicken (because they can’t afford organic or local?) and no one finds this abnormal – that the chicken is an afterthought/ at the bottom of the budget list for a chicken restaurant? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/article-as-a-society-weve-ruined-the-concept-of-food/
Shortlist for Taste Canada Canadian Cookbook Awards : http://tastecanada.org/2018-shortlist-revealed/
Connaissez vous le ‘Blob’? Ni plante, ni animal, ni champignon mais un peu de tout!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=tZ4TYZA1yeU
Deleting a Species by Genetic Engineering, Should We? Science & Technology speeds forward, can get scary. Food for thought! In our quest to kill pests, we could really wreak havoc.. https://psmag.com/.amp/magazine/deleting-a-species-genetically-engineering-an-extinction
Donabe, Cooking with smoke at home https://amp.foodandwine.com/cooking-techniques/ibushi-gin-donabe
Les plantes sont plus intelligentes que les animaux https://www.letemps.ch/sciences/plantes-beaucoup-plus-intelligentes-animaux
Interview with Eric Ripert and being kind in the kitchen https://www.foodnewsfeed.com/fsr/chef-profiles/eric-ripert-being-kind-kitchen
A long read / perspective on the ubiquitous ‘Clean Eating’ trend https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/aug/11/why-we-fell-for-clean-eating
The Impossible Burger a product of genetic engineering https://grist.org/article/the-impossible-burger-wouldnt-be-possible-without-genetic-engineering/
Great article on Anita Stewart’s Food Day Canada, local cooking across Canada in Forbes magazine (and Jardins Sauvages gets a mention!).. https://www.forbes.com/sites/everettpotter/2018/06/03/anita-stewart-food-day-canada/amp/
An oyster vending machine in France! http://amp.foodandwine.com/news/france-has-oyster-vending-machine
Personality salads – I’m all for salad in all forms, but the premise of this Mtl restaurant is ridiculous! https://montreal.eater.com/platform/amp/2018/1/19/16910280/hillarys-salads-plateau-montreal-enneagram-personality
A series of articles about Canadian Food in the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/16/dining/canadian-food.html
The Great Molasses Flood A funny not so funny natural food disaster https://newengland.com/today/living/new-england-history/great-molasses-flood/
Baking bread at home More tips, never enough.. https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/how-to-make-bread-package
La Poule Chanteclair About our special bird that almost disappeared, still hard to find (Fr) http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/853c93cb-5aec-4a1b-a93d-953b17ea4d80%7C_0.html
Poutine is Quebecois, not Canadian, period. And it’s more/NOT a bad decision at 4am. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/12/19/world/canada/quebec-poutine.html
More of the original Joe Beef story thanks to the new Joe Beef http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/mckiernan_charles_11E.html
The best food books of 2017 http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/best-books-food-2017-review-memoir-history-travel-a8110931.html
The five mother sauces every cook should know https://food52.com/blog/12209-the-five-mother-sauces-every-cook-should-know?

B&B 2017
Bits & Bites 2017
Squeaky cheese – a bonus of living in rural Quebec I don’t have access to highspeed internet but the freshest local cheese daily at the dep. FYI the best curds come from Fromagerie Champêtre in Repentigny. http://nationalpost.com/news/toronto/why-the-cheese-curds-in-toronto-dont-squeak-a-national-post-investigation
José Andrés, a U.S. chef and his non-profit World Central Kitchen serving 25000 meals a day in Puerto Rico - An inspiring story of disaster relief https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/food/wp/2017/10/18/post-maria-jose-andres-and-his-team-have-served-more-meals-in-puerto-rico-than-the-red-cross/
Seal meat is sustainable and humane, a Canadian industry to be supported. I just don’t like the taste personally. https://munchies.vice.com/en_us/article/8qky73/seals-are-delicious-so-lets-kill-and-eat-them
L’Avocat le Maudit de Mexique – the downside to the avocado trend at the source: deforestation, crime etc. (Fr). http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1060574/avocat-fruit-plantations-illegales-production-mexique-michoacan-deforestation
A sharp article on the state of our food system and what needs to be done to fix it (in French) A key problem is that no one wants to pay for food. http://www.ledevoir.com/societe/actualites-en-societe/509181/le-blues-de-l-agrobusiness
50 Old school cookie recipes that can’t be beat http://www.saveur.com/article/-/The-Best-Classic-Cookie-Recipes
Its time for a food/agriculture revolution; soil health=human health. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/23/farmer-wants-a-revolution-how-is-this-not-genocide
Restaurants outside Montreal worth the detour: https://montreal.eater.com/maps/best-restaurants-near-montreal-laurentians-eastern-townships Happy to be on the list, however misleading the mention of wild edibles without added fat or sugar?? I do ‘cook’ after all; its forest gastronomy, as in foremost about delicious, not stranded in the woods eating weeds.
Know your Avocado varieties http://www.foodrepublic.com/2012/10/18/know-your-avocado-varieties-and-when-theyre-in-season/amp/
Grow food instead of coal mine. Good idea, duh! http://civileats.com/2017/09/20/from-coal-to-kale-saving-rural-economies-with-local-food/
How big business got Brazil hooked on junk Sad! Nestle is evil. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/09/16/health/brazil-obesity-nestle.html
The Great Nutrient Collapse Fascinating read, Scary stuff.. http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2017/09/13/food-nutrients-carbon-dioxide-000511?lo=ap_a1
Agricultural innovation in the Netherlands: Holland shows us how it can be done, productive AND sustainable farming http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/09/holland-agriculture-sustainable-farming/
The ethics of foie gras I’ve said enough on this over the years, no worse than chicken but basically we have bigger food issues to deal with. Someone else sums up this old debate.. http://www.seriouseats.com/2015/01/foie-gras-new-fire-for-an-old-debate.html
Michael Pollan on how screwed up the idea of NA lawns is I agree, always loved a wild lawn. François just mows paths, and the birds and the bees love it too! https://films.radiowest.org/film/lawn
Looking for a new muffin recipe? https://food52.com/blog/18900-meet-the-three-ingredients-that-ll-improve-your-muffins/amp
Recuperating food at Jean Talon Market - it’s about time! http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1055191/recuperation-fruits-legumes-invendus-marche-jean-talon-montreal-depannage-alimentation-paniers
Everyone has got their own meatball: Meatballs from around the world: http://www.seriouseats.com/2015/01/meatball-style-guide-varieties-around-the-world.html
Revamping our food system becoming more important than ever: How to feed ourselves in a time of climate crisis http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/just-transition/how-to-feed-ourselves-in-a-time-of-climate-crisis-20170908
Celery, the avocado toast of the Victorian era I love this. Makes you think about trends, and how celery is under-rated these days.. https://www.tastecooking.com/celery-was-the-avocado-toast-of-the-victorian-era/
Kernza A promising new crop? https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/urban-farming/2017/08/08/kernza-is-a-unique-grain-crop-to-really-root-for-the-new-farm.html
Alice Waters Respect. I look forward to reading it, although I know the story; have been inspired by her for over 20 years. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/08/22/dining/alice-waters-chef-author-book.html?referer=https://t.co/8vqeeO1GsP?amp=1
A personalized diet based on DNA However theoretically interesting, I’m out on any diet based on food as fuel/sustenance without the pleasures of the table https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/i-sent-in-my-dna-to-get-a-personalized-diet-plan-what-i-discovered-disturbs-me/2017/08/17/
Cava, the Catalan answer to champagne I love it! https://t.co/3VenvapENK
Trees talking No surprise to anyone in tune with nature, but I love that science is catching up, so fascinating.. (In French) but with link to English articles and Ted talk.. http://www.epochtimes.fr/les-arbres-parlent-comme-les-humains-26841.html
Wine irreverence à la Bill I agree, I hate snobbism when it comes to food and wine. If it takes an ice cube, well so be it. I don’t need fancy stemware, as long as the rim is fine enough and I can fit my nose in. Whatever works for you, follow your palette.. http://montrealgazette.com/life/food/bill-zacharkiw-when-it-comes-to-wine-irreverence-is-in-good-taste
An almost edible fruitcake and 100 yrs old! Fruitcake jokes aside, my mom makes a good dark one, but this is pretty cool.. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/08/antarctica-fruitcake-scott-terra-nova/
Charlie Trotter’s legacy No doubt he made a mark. He was certainly influential and inspirational when I was a young cook, pre-internet, back when we shared cookbooks.. http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/August-2017/Charlie-Trotter/
Do restaurant critics really matter? https://www.tastingtable.com/dine/national/restaurant-critics-pete-wells-adam-platt?
Always kind of sad when a restaurant’s time is up http://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/farewell-to-frannys-a-perfect-brooklyn-restaurant
Substituting beans for beef to soothe eco-anxiety and reach climate change goals. I think it’s a good idea at least in part. https://www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/535536/
Butter shortage in France! Funny not so funny stuff, the price of croissants will have to go up. It appears to be due to lower milk yields and the hog cheese industry. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/14/sacre-beurre-fears-croissant-price-france-butter-shortage?
Handy Recipes for using left-over egg whites http://www.seriouseats.com/2017/02/what-to-do-with-leftover-egg-whites.html
Making socks and more with Mushrooms! (FR) http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2017/06/01/le-designer-qui-cree-des-chaussons-a-partir-de-champignons-pour_a_22120765/
Profile of Kenji Lopez-Alt of the Food Lab, ‘the man who conquered pie crust with science’ http://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/kenji-lopez-alt-profile-100-greatest-home-cooks-article?
A farmer’s wake-up call to stop developing fertile land (FR) http://www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/opinions/points-de-vue/201412/15/01-4828561-cri-du-coeur-dun-agriculteur.php
Chefs share their crazy customer requests – funny stuff! And I have a couple to add: Our annual special mushroom event menu without mushrooms! And my all-time favourite: ‘I’m not really a vegetarian; I just don’t eat anything cute!’ So beef, chicken and fish are fine, but not deer or rabbit. I had to ask her if she found mussels , shrimp and mushrooms etc. cute; no, yes, depends.. https://www.finedininglovers.com/blog/points-of-view/stupid-food-orders-list/
The real cost of ‘avocado toast’ Many good points. There is much more than people behind the price of a restaurant meal. https://sf.eater.com/2017/5/23/15677684/avocado-toast-prices-menu-costs-san-francisco
Queen Victoria’s appetites To think that it was frowned upon for a woman to have a hearty appetite http://www.historyextra.com/article/bbc-history-magazine/queen-victoria%E2%80%99s-appetites
Rethinking dessert on the menu Interesting! It’s true, why should a menu always finish sweet? Especially when you consider that before sugar became sweet, we didn’t eat dessert persay, just touches of sweet throughout the day or meal. Not being a sweet tooth, I wouldn’t miss it, but I know many who would revolt if you took their traditional desserts away. And if you’re going to put a sugar laden course on the menu, it only makes sense to put it at the end. http://www.mugaritzak.com/stories-without-a-sweet-ending/
Tomato paste: A scary fact of the global food industry I didn’t know about – almost all tomato paste (as in Heinz and co., what you find at the supermarket) comes from China, slave labour and a pesticide laden genetically engineered pulpy variety – ugh. Another reason to make your own in season with local tomatoes. http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/planete/20170516.OBS9479/concentre-de-tomate-made-in-china-bienvenue-dans-la-mondialisation-degueu.html#
Morels are spore shooters (you can see it clearly in the sunlight), but they remain a prize And yes they need to be cooked throughout. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/may/04/secretive-spore-shooter-prized-by-gourmets?
Historic food disasters https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2017/may/04/explosive-cheese-lethal-beer-and-poisonous-orange-juice-when-food-causes-natural-disasters?
Try Okonomiyaki, a Japanese comfort food that sounds so good right now http://www.seriouseats.com/2016/05/okonomiyaki-japanese-pancake-cabbage-soul-food-osaka-comfort.html
Fun article about Mtl Chefs’ Signature dishes http://montrealgazette.com/life/food/local-food-reviews/lesley-chesterman-12-signature-dishes-from-top-montreal-restaurants
Cheap meat over Vegetables We don’t need to become vegetarians! Why can’t we all just eat less better meat, offal too? It comes down to cost and people disconnected from where their food comes from; progress is slow. Truth: https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/admit-it-if-price-is-an-issue-youll-choose-cheap-meat-over-vegetables/article34796062/
Food, Sex and Silence: On James Beard’s missing story I loved him. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/04/22/opinion/sunday/food-sex-and-silence.html
How Expo 67 helped shape Canadian cuisine https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/contemporary-canadian-cuisine-can-trace-its-roots-back-to-expo-67-in-montreal/article34769872/
Caterpillars that eat plastic Promising. But we first need to stop our plastic thing. (Fr) Fr) http://www.courrierinternational.com/article/environnement-des-vers-mangeurs-de-sac-plastique-reperes
Indigenous food scene in TO https://www.thestar.com/life/food_wine/2017/04/19/despite-new-offerings-indigenous-food-still-hard-to-come-by-in-toronto.html
The Patent that could kill Mosanto and change the world I don’t know but there’s no doubt he’s onto something with his mushrooms, very promising. But like with pesticides, it won’t be one mega solution, just a lot of small changes. All but Mosanto. http://www.ecosnippets.com/environmental/patent-that-could-destroy-monsanto/
David Chang on the reality of the restaurant industry and challenges ahead, spot on.. http://www.businessinsider.com/david-chang-on-the-restaurant-apocalypse-2016-3
Go University of Guelph, key to our agri-future! I've visited and been a witness over the years to how much UofG does for food in Canada, impressive. They deserve it. http://www.goodfoodrevolution.com/university-of-guelph-gets-a-20-million-dollar-gift-for-its-agri-food-program-from-the-arrell-family/
‘The 50 Best Restaurants in the world’ for 2017, for whatever it's worth: http://www.theworlds50best.com/list/1-50-winners They are all no doubt worth visiting.
What's wrong with this list http://www.eater.com/worlds-50-best-restaurants-awards/2017/4/6/15197286/worlds-50-best-snubs-restaurants-analysis
The ‘granola’ trend is stronger than ever Looking back to Moosewood which was one of my first cookbooks! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/04/dining/health-food-hippies-restaurants-vegetarian.html I’m all for vegetable based cuisine but that remains hedonistically deliciousness, so not vegan.. ideally with a natural meat garnish/sauce, and never! eliminating cheese, eggs etc. I think it is much more important to eschew industrial food and factory food, especially meat, rather than draw the lines at animal products (Less but better).
The true cost of seafood It’s been 15+ years that I have been awakened to sustainable quality fish and seafood in general, and careful about shrimp in particular, opting for local seasonal nordic shrimp only at the restaurant. But its crazy how this is still largely not on many average eaters’ radar, as in most of what is in supermarkets and mainstream restos is cheap and crap. Not to mention terrible for the environment and workers. We need to make informed choices and pay the price. https://www.foodism.to/guest-column-true-cost-seafood/
Cabane à sucre/ Sugar shack ideas (and maple themed menus like ours) in Lanaudière where there is a shack every clic https://lanaudiere.ca/fr/blogue-lanaudiere/ou-aller-et-quoi-faire-pour-le-temps/
Ten Organic Wines under 20$ http://montrealgazette.com/life/bill-zacharkiw-10-great-organic-wines-under-20
A wine primer - kind of like a ‘Wine for Dummies’ that covers all the bases https://cooking.nytimes.com/guides/41-how-to-drink-wine
Is eating fruit responsible for our bigger brains? Fruit eating seems to at least in part be linked to a cognitive leap in our evolution http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/eating-fruit-fuels-bigger-brains-primates
Anti-bacterial-Biodegradable chitosan based food wrap made from crustacean shells – very promising! Emballage de demain fait à base de carapaces de crevettes http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1022852/emballage-alimentaire-bioplastique-bacterie-conservation-biodegradable-udem-polytechnique-chimie-gaspillage
The evolution of chickens http://luckypeach.com/the-evolution-of-chickens/ An interesting article from Lucky Peach, which sadly is rumoured to be folding..
Quebec’s Cider industry has come along way http://montrealgazette.com/life/quebecs-cider-industry-needs-to-realize-that-it-could-be-the-next-cool-thing I love the Domaine du Minot’s products to sip but especially to cook with..
Canadian food history in a few dishes https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/canada-150/we-are-what-we-ate-canadas-history-incuisines/article34289538/
Where so called ‘natural flavours’ come from: ‘Grapefruit’ does not come from grapefruit; the line between natural and artificial is blurry.. http://www.popsci.com/what-are-natural-flavors#page-4
Hang-over cures: Yuck! But whatever works for you, I guess. http://luckypeach.com/recipes/collections/15-recipes-cure-hangover/
On Fine-dining, a conversation with top chefs: http://luckypeach.com/state-fine-dining/
How about vegetarian being the default, and meat the add on or exception? I hate strict food rules and diets, but this general approach makes sense. Without being a vegetarian, this is pretty much how we roll with lots of veg, fruit and grains with natural meat and sustainable fish as garnishes. (French) http://fr.chatelaine.com/sante/nutrition/et-si-les-plats-veges-devenaient-loption-par-defaut/
The Reverse Sear – best way to cook a big steak?! http://www.seriouseats.com/2017/03/how-to-reverse-sear-best-way-to-cook-steak.html
Lichen – It doesn’t taste like much but potentially loaded with medicinal properties and we have lots of it! (French) http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1020157/grand-nord-amazonie-lichen-mousse-compose-medecine-therapeutique-medecine-changement-climatique
The forgotten story of a historic French chef of Michelin starred La Mère Brazier http://www.eater.com/2016/8/12/12382076/eugenie-brazier
Podcast with Normand Laprise of Toqué: A good listen; His story with perspective on Quebec’s cuisine du terroir https://thegrilledproject.com/2017/02/16/toques-normand-laprise-on-changing-the-face-of-quebec-cuisine/
Hawaiin food – a profile in 6 dishes http://firstwefeast.com/features/hawaii-food-history/cake-noodle
Wine and Sex – How wine is an aphrodisiac http://winefolly.com/update/wine-sex-drive-match/
Sometimes fussing and writing over Food & Wine seem silly or a luxury. But no, it is ok, if not essential. For comfort and happiness, togetherness, the celebration, expression and exchange of terroir, art and culture. Why Wine Matters http://winefolly.com/update/wine-sex-drive-match/