Entries in food books (2)

B&B 2019

Bits & Bites 2019

Plants can smell! After showing how plants hear, now science is uncovering the biochemistry of how they process odors.. Plant intelligence is so neat! https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190123105827.htm

How to Feed the World, on CBC’s Ideas, which is always a stimulating hour even when it’s not about food! https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/utopian-dinner-table-how-to-feed-the-world-in-100-years-1.4971915

Mushroom Magic – How the fad could be onto something... Surely! https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jan/16/mud-wtr-mushroom-water-coffee-health-benefits

Lesley Chesterman on her restaurant critic retirement : Good interview with her on her 20 yr run as a food critic, understandably tired of all the eating and ‘being the enemy’.. https://eatnorth.com/mallory-frayn/lesley-chesterman-her-restaurant-critic-retirement-and-road-ahead

 ‘Is Sunscreen the new Margarine?’ Looks like we are better off soaking up a few rays not just for the vitamin D but other health benefits that outweigh skin cancer risks for most. Great article with nuance. https://www.outsideonline.com/2380751/sunscreen-sun-exposure-skin-cancer-science

Food trends for 2019 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/21/dining/food-trends-predictions-2019.html

Skiing (and Eating) in Quebec  city: I sell my hometown in this New York Times article https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/26/travel/quebec-skiing.html

Le Mycélium, un champignon avec de l’avenir en matières écologiques https://lapiece.ca/fr/magazine/5be05dd85794b50eec7bb27a?mc_cid=70a9179583&mc_eid=7e45d90737

Sci-fi food: A new technology making food out of solar energy and bacteria.. Ugh! https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/31/electric-food-sci-fi-diet-planet-food-animals-environment?

Ten top books from 2018  https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/ten-best-books-about-food-2018-180970846/

Dietary fat, from foe to friend? http://science.sciencemag.org/content/362/6416/764/tab-pdf

B&B 2018

Bits and Bites 2018

The 30 Most Influential Restaurants of the last 30 years - Great article! Perspective! https://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/top-restaurants-influential-important-food-best-of-the-best-2803666/

Bread has been with with us longer than thought, predating agriculture (well of course! With the wild stuff..)  https://phys.org/news/2018-07-archaeologists-bread-predates-agriculture-years.html

Remembering Ruth Reichl’s Gourmet magazine, much missed.. https://popula.com/2018/07/15/gourmet-rip/

Are Instagram and the latest hottest trends killing the food part of the food scene? I agree with this to a certain degree, even in Montreal.. Although there is a lot of good cooking going  on with heart & soul and fresh ingredients, there is also a ton of hype, marketing BS and phoniness – often more show than substance.  As long as it sounds and looks ‘cool’, who cares if it’s really organic, artisanal,  local, wild or sustainable or whatever the claim or suggestion is.. Or even all that delicious (like lichen or a bad natural wine), or edible without making a mess (like whole heads of cauliflower, lettuce, pig or unshucked seafood in sauce) . Or this stands out in my mind: how about  a swish big budget rotisserie chicken restaurant that opens to much fanfare with a fancy Italian oven and designer decor, woohoohoo - but with cheap poor quality industrial chicken (because they can’t afford organic or local?) and no one finds this abnormal – that the chicken is an afterthought/ at the bottom of the budget list for a chicken restaurant? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/article-as-a-society-weve-ruined-the-concept-of-food/

Shortlist for Taste Canada Canadian Cookbook Awards : http://tastecanada.org/2018-shortlist-revealed/

Connaissez vous le ‘Blob’? Ni plante, ni animal, ni champignon mais un peu de tout!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=tZ4TYZA1yeU

Deleting a Species by  Genetic Engineering, Should  We? Science & Technology speeds forward, can get scary. Food for thought! In our quest to kill pests, we could really wreak havoc.. https://psmag.com/.amp/magazine/deleting-a-species-genetically-engineering-an-extinction

Donabe, Cooking with smoke at home https://amp.foodandwine.com/cooking-techniques/ibushi-gin-donabe

Les plantes sont plus intelligentes que les animaux  https://www.letemps.ch/sciences/plantes-beaucoup-plus-intelligentes-animaux

Interview with Eric Ripert  and being kind  in the kitchen https://www.foodnewsfeed.com/fsr/chef-profiles/eric-ripert-being-kind-kitchen

A long read / perspective on the ubiquitous ‘Clean Eating’ trend https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/aug/11/why-we-fell-for-clean-eating

The Impossible Burger a product of genetic engineering https://grist.org/article/the-impossible-burger-wouldnt-be-possible-without-genetic-engineering/

Great article on Anita Stewart’s Food Day Canada, local cooking across Canada in Forbes magazine (and Jardins Sauvages gets a mention!).. https://www.forbes.com/sites/everettpotter/2018/06/03/anita-stewart-food-day-canada/amp/

An oyster vending machine in France! http://amp.foodandwine.com/news/france-has-oyster-vending-machine

Personality salads – I’m all for salad in all forms, but the premise of this Mtl restaurant is ridiculous! https://montreal.eater.com/platform/amp/2018/1/19/16910280/hillarys-salads-plateau-montreal-enneagram-personality

A series of articles about Canadian Food in the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/01/16/dining/canadian-food.html

The Great Molasses Flood A funny not so funny natural food disaster https://newengland.com/today/living/new-england-history/great-molasses-flood/

Baking bread at home More tips, never enough.. https://www.epicurious.com/expert-advice/how-to-make-bread-package

La Poule Chanteclair About our special bird that almost disappeared, still hard to find (Fr) http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/853c93cb-5aec-4a1b-a93d-953b17ea4d80%7C_0.html

Poutine is Quebecois, not Canadian, period. And it’s more/NOT a bad decision at 4am. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/12/19/world/canada/quebec-poutine.html

More of the original Joe Beef story thanks to the new Joe Beef http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/mckiernan_charles_11E.html

The best food books of 2017 http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/best-books-food-2017-review-memoir-history-travel-a8110931.html

The five mother sauces every cook should know https://food52.com/blog/12209-the-five-mother-sauces-every-cook-should-know?