Entries in food (1)
B&B December 2015
Kitchen Advice This is basic, but on point – tips for beginner cooks and success in the pro kitchen (or any kitchen), actually generally useful in life.. http://www.foodandwine.com/blogs/2015/12/30/life-lessons-professional-kitchen
The year in fungi – new species discovered, and new powers, mushrooms as mystical and powerful than ever – capable of curing cancer, changing weather, wiping out bananas and creating everything from flavours to pharmaceuticals.. http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/the-year-in-fungi-2015
Lucky Peach – Mostly always refreshing good reading, when they’re not trying to be too cool.. http://luckypeach.com/the-top-10-stories-of-2015/
The Restaurant Lists for the Year are coming out, mostly about what’s new and hot and successful in Montreal, apparently promising..
Lesley Chesterman, Montreal Gazette http://montrealgazette.com/life/food/best-restaurants-of-2015-lesley-chestermans-picks
Tastet, Le Devoir http://m.ledevoir.com/#article-458243
Primo boozy gifts We all have someone we love who likes a stiff drink albeit with finesse! I’m a wine girl, not into cocktails and spirits so often find myself confused and at a loss when trying to buy something like scotch for a guy I love. A guide like this might help.. http://montrealgazette.com/life/food/just-in-time-bill-zacharkiws-annual-last-minute-booze-buying-guide
Top ten documentaries to change the world?! http://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/the-top-100-films-for-action/
Montreal Pizza List http://montreal.eater.com/maps/25-epic-montreal-pizzas-to-eat-before-you-die I love pizza as a snack more than a meal, but I live in the country so make my own mostly.. BUT if I were in Montreal, I would be slowly knocking off this list.
Top Cookbooks (of all time?!) Cookbook lists are my favourite of the lists I used to like but less now, but when it comes to old ones; this one is pretty classic/good. So a definite thumbs up for a Christmas gift for a younger foodie/chef. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-drink/news/25-greatest-cookbooks-of-all-time/