Entries in food documentarys (2)
B&B December 2015
Kitchen Advice This is basic, but on point – tips for beginner cooks and success in the pro kitchen (or any kitchen), actually generally useful in life.. http://www.foodandwine.com/blogs/2015/12/30/life-lessons-professional-kitchen
The year in fungi – new species discovered, and new powers, mushrooms as mystical and powerful than ever – capable of curing cancer, changing weather, wiping out bananas and creating everything from flavours to pharmaceuticals.. http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/the-year-in-fungi-2015
Lucky Peach – Mostly always refreshing good reading, when they’re not trying to be too cool.. http://luckypeach.com/the-top-10-stories-of-2015/
The Restaurant Lists for the Year are coming out, mostly about what’s new and hot and successful in Montreal, apparently promising..
Lesley Chesterman, Montreal Gazette http://montrealgazette.com/life/food/best-restaurants-of-2015-lesley-chestermans-picks
Tastet, Le Devoir http://m.ledevoir.com/#article-458243
Primo boozy gifts We all have someone we love who likes a stiff drink albeit with finesse! I’m a wine girl, not into cocktails and spirits so often find myself confused and at a loss when trying to buy something like scotch for a guy I love. A guide like this might help.. http://montrealgazette.com/life/food/just-in-time-bill-zacharkiws-annual-last-minute-booze-buying-guide
Top ten documentaries to change the world?! http://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/the-top-100-films-for-action/
Montreal Pizza List http://montreal.eater.com/maps/25-epic-montreal-pizzas-to-eat-before-you-die I love pizza as a snack more than a meal, but I live in the country so make my own mostly.. BUT if I were in Montreal, I would be slowly knocking off this list.
Top Cookbooks (of all time?!) Cookbook lists are my favourite of the lists I used to like but less now, but when it comes to old ones; this one is pretty classic/good. So a definite thumbs up for a Christmas gift for a younger foodie/chef. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-drink/news/25-greatest-cookbooks-of-all-time/

B&B November 2015
Must Read – A fascinating overview of the science of taste, which I’m happy to see is a burgeoning field, finally! (very general, for everyone; leaving me hungry for more detail because I am crazy for this stuff!) http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/12/food-science-of-taste-text
The Cook’s Cook - an online food magazine to explore http://www.thecookscook-digital.com/thecookscook/dec_jan_2016?pg=1#pg1
Another top NYC restaurant eliminates tipping With a proportional plus price hike of course.. Hopefully, eventually this will be feasible across the board because it just makes sense. http://ny.eater.com/2015/12/1/9816186/eleven-madison-park-no-tipping-nomad
Watch a good chef’s knife being made, beautiful https://www.finedininglovers.com/blog/news-trends/bob-kramer-knives/
A crackdown on Pesticides in Quebec – about time! Not enough, but a start.. (in French) http://www.equiterre.org/actualite/quebec-reglemente-lusage-des-pesticides-les-plus-dangereux-une-victoire-dequiterre-et-de-s?
Hotel (Restaurant) Menus circa 1860 – love it! Lots of meat and wine (even breakfast wines!), not enough veg ever though. I can't imagine eating like that, course after course of meat, but probably wouldn't want to be a pauper either eating only potatoes.. http://imgur.com/a/APcB7
Michael Pollan on the Big Screen – A documentary version of his In Defense of Food - this will be GREAT! In getting people to think about their food with a touch of science, history, politics, common sense and CULTURE.. He’s the best! http://grist.org/food/michael-pollans-food-advice-hits-the-big-screen/
Old ‘cookbook’ find, very neat! The Johnson Family Treasury republished, thanks to our dear Canadian food history geeks (in Guelph and Montreal) http://m.guelphmercury.com/news-story/6124838-unexpected-find-in-u-of-guelph-cookbook-archive-creates-stir-among-foodies-historians
An ode to Elizabeth David – good old school (quality! In depth) food writing by The Art of Eating about an important culinary figure, the English food writer of the last century. Her books were essential reading for a cook or ‘ foodie’ of my generation. I didn’t love her like MFK Fisher or after Ruth Reichl say, but I did admire her (imagine writing that during/post-war?!), and I like reading her concise paragragh recipes, I hate those of today with ml and pan sizes instead of pinches and common sense. https://artofeating.com/the-pleasures-and-challenge-of-elizabeth-david/
How the burgeoning field of Neurogastronomy is Helping Bring Taste Back http://civileats.com/2015/11/19/how-the-science-of-neurogastronomy-is-helping-bring-taste-back/#sthash.rPUHvQIw.Vob7j3b4.dpuf
De L’Espoir avec les abeilles (en Français) http://www.nationalgeographic.fr/22770-labeille-miracle-va-t-elle-sauver-le-monde/
Sommeliers in the limelight – a glimpse into the new world of wine and trends.. http://www.jancisrobinson.com/articles/the-rise-and-rise-of-the-somms
Best Food Docs to view http://firstwefeast.com/eat/best-food-documentaries-that-you-should-watch-right-now/